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EtudesThe systematic study of violin etudes provides a technical and musical foundation for the student to perform the solo literature with mastery, ease, and confidence. Etude study is a lesson staple for proper training of the violin and an integral part of The Grossman Method®
The WorkshopThis 60-minute workshop addresses the sequential order of the violin etudes and discusses how to best teach the techniques and physical issues within. You will be given a tutorial on the revolutionary The Grossman Method® Ultimate Etude Guide for Violin©
The DatatableThis innovative datatable will help you and your student understand the pedagogical purpose of each etude and how to teach it most effectively. Performance videos and teaching term definitions are part of this datatable. Concerti, orchestral excerpts and concert pieces are paired with appropriate etudes for optimal learning.
"What a wonderful resource for teachers and students!
Your work will be very beneficial to the violin community!"
"Thank you for you dedicated work...
It'll be a super valuable resource for violin
teachers, students, and enthusiasts alike."